SLSC Surf Code
Surf code
Share it, Respect others, Have a Great time
To help you enjoy your time on the ocean at Noosa Main Beach, A Bay, Sunshine Beach or any other beach, there are a few rules to take into consideration while you are out there.

"DO NOT" DROP IN. This is one of the most dangerous things to do and can cause terrible injuries to both yourself and others.

Take turns and respect other people in the water. You are all out there to have fun. Don't turn and catch a wave on the inside of a surfer.

Paddle wide away from surfers Surfers already in the line up. If you are caught inside stay in the white water and pop or roll until it is safe for you to paddle out the back.

Surf within your ability. NO big waves until you are ready. Take off with commitment and paddle hard. POP & ROLL SAFELY, DON'T LET GO OF YOUR BOARD.

Furthest out or waiting the longest Surfer on the inside, closest to the breaking wave has the right of way.

- Avoid surfing or paddling near swimmers.
- Pop and roll safely
- Hang onto your board handles if you come off.
- Surf Boats & Powercraft should stay well wide of surfers & paddlers.